Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sister Barbara Markey - Nun Pleads to Stealing From Neb. Diocese

9 hours ago

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A Roman Catholic nun accused of stealing from the Omaha Archdiocese and gambling much of the money away has pleaded guilty to theft.

An attorney says Sister Barbara Markey pleaded Monday to theft of more than $1,500. Defense attorney J. William Gallup says she also agreed to pay $125,000 in restitution.Markey faces up to 20 years in prison when she is sentenced in July.Markey is an internationally known speaker. She was fired in 2006 as directorof the archdiocese's family life office after an audit found irregularities.

The audit found that Markey spent $307,545 for her own use or without documentation.
Prosecutors say Markey used the money to cover gambling forays, gifts and trips.

NunPleads to Stealing From Neb. Diocese

The Associated Press - 9 hours ago

An attorney says Sister Barbara Markey pleaded Monday to theft of more than $1500. Defense attorney J. William Gallup says she also agreed to pay $125000 in ...

Nun Pleads Guilty to Taking Archdiocese

MyFox Chattanooga, TN - 32 minutes ago

Sister Barbara Markey entered the plea to a charge of theft of more than $1500 on Monday in Douglas County District Court, according to her attorney, ...