Sunday, March 1, 2009

Obama's $US3.6 trillion budget buries Reaganomics - The Australian

AS Barack Obama prepared to deliver his speech to a joint session of Congress last week, his aides raced to television studios to deliver the official spin. Evoking the cheerful optimism in tough times of a fondly remembered president, White House continue

LOS ANGELES - Low-fat, low-carb or high-protein? The kind of diet doesn't matter, scientists say. All that really counts is cutting calories and sticking with it, according to a federal study that followed people for two years. However, participants continue

Last Monday, we carried a story in our POSITIVE Parenting feature in which a bewildered father spoke of the bitter relationship between himself and his daughter. "She fights me," he said. "It's more than one or two times." This father has now thrown continue

Hundreds of children carrying blue plastic bags and holding balloons filled the Gherald L. Hoopes Activities Center on the Eastern Arizona College campus Friday for the annual Gila Valley Health and Safety Fair put on by the Mount Graham Regional continue

After years of inactivity, the telescope at B.M.C. Durfee High School appears to have a bright future. Chris Boyle, who leads the Durfee science department, said several members of the community have offered to help repair the antique telescope since continue

IN A big week for the economy, the Reserve Bank is expected to lower interest rates again, and growth figures will confirm how well the country is weathering the international crisis. Financial markets expect the Reserve Bank board, which meets continue