Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Viewers livid over 'Bachelor'

Viewers livid over 'Bachelor'

Women especially have harsh words for Jason, and some accuse the show of staging all of it.

Text Alexander Graham Bell "Hppy Bday" On This Phone

I've been waiting for this day all year. In case you were unaware, today is the birthday of one of the world's greatest heroes - the inventor of the telephone. That's right. That little iPhone or Crackberry you're currently clutching would not be part of your life without this man. In order to properly celebrate his birthday, I thought it would be a good opportunity to take a closer look at some very fashionable phones. What do ya think? Is Alex G. a Prada man? Nah, that beard screams Gucci. We all know the devil wears Prada, but did you know her phone does too? The Italian designer brand - best known for their shoes and handbags - has teamed up with LG Electronics to produce a special edition phone. It comes with a touch screen and Qwerty keyboard, which is pretty nifty. But it's Prada-ness is most nifty of all. Of course, Prada doesn't come cheap. At $817 a pop it's not an impulse buy, but it will make all your fashionista friends green with envy. And who doesn’t want their phone to match their purse?

Penn to lobby for Harvey Milk Day in Calif.

Fresh from his best actor Oscar for his performance as Harvey Milk, Sean Penn is pushing California to officially recognize the late gay politician's birthday.

Octomom 'Fears' Oprah, Nadya Suleman Writes in Radar Blog

Octomom ‘fears’ Oprah Winfrey and was ‘shocked,’ ‘worried and anxious’ when her dad, Ed Doud, appeared on her talk show, Suleman writes in her online blog

'The Bachelor' dumps fiancee Melissa for runner-up (AP)

AP - "The Bachelor" had a change of heart, leaving his fiancee in a lurch and viewers up in arms.

Rihanna’s Family All Narked Off About Her Chris Brown Reunion

Rihanna and Chris Brown are just like Romeo And Juliet - alright, half Romeo And Juliet and half Kickboxer 2. But that's not the point. The point is that Rihanna and Chris Brown's love can't be halted - not by media intrusion, not by tabloid speculation, not by Chris Brown allegedly going berserk, repeatedly punching Rihanna in the face and then choking her into unconsciousness because she discovered he was cheating on her. And now that Rihanna and Chris Brown are apparently back together, guess how Rihanna's family are reacting. Are they thrilled or overjoyed or a little bit arsed off? You'll never guess.

Sean Penn Fights for Harvey Milk Holiday

Hopes his Oscar will help. Sean Penn is hoping to use his Oscar as an agent of change. The actor, who won the Best Actor prize for his portrayal of openly-gay San Francisco Board of Supervisors member, Harvey Milk, is pushing for Milk's birthday to be recognized as a "day of significance" in California. He's facing some tough opposition, however, from California's fine governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill last year and maintains that Milk's birthday should only be recognized in San Francisco. However, State Senator Mark Leno plans to reintroduce a bill today that argues that Penn's Oscar win proves Milk has a larger significance. And Penn's going to help him do it. The actor will reportedly be at Leno's side when he introduces the bill. We're of two minds on this issue. On the one hand, Milk certainly deserves to be recognized and honored - officially - for his contribution to gay rights, human rights, and the tolerance he fought so hard to inspire in others. And not just in San Francisco. On the other hand, a day honoring Harvey Milk would mean so much more if the ideals Harvey stood for were fully realized. Until gay marriage is legal in California, it's hard to celebrate the equality, optimism, and opportunity Harvey devoted his life to. But maybe you have to start somewhere. What do you think about honoring Harvey Milk with a "day of significance"?

Spears returns in first concert tour in 5 years (AP)

AP - When Britney Spears kicks off her first tour in five years, it may seem as if she's picking up where she left off in 2004: She'll be promoting a platinum album with a grandiose stage show, a chiseled body and elaborately choreographed moves on display.