Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Public Television Shows

I came into the world of media and entertainment with a bad attitude'that public television was for geeks, for eggheads, for rich people who could afford the guide they send only if you donate, for people who didn't believe in allowing their children to watch anything but one-point-five hours of television a day and ONLY public television at that.I thought, that is, that public television was too much quiet documentary and snore-inducing symphony to bother with it.

But then I discovered a couple of kids' shows that utter blasted, demolished my myopic assumptions. And how I made my discovery is pretty good, too. I watch television (not public television) all the time that I am at home. I live alone, work at home for the most part, and have the TV on for background quasi white noise or for selected programming when I am not working. One night I turned off the television by remote and must have somehow hit channel 9 (which was then and out here the channel public television airs on). The next morning, waking up with my legs half off the bed in preparation for bolting to the bathroom and kitchen for the morning wake-up rituals, I clicked on the remote. The channel was 9, and the first image that appeared was so freakishly compelling that I was riveted to the bed's edge as I watched:

A massive baby's head, centered in a cartoon sun that had spikes throbbing and flapping in the breeze. Four stuffed doll like things with antennae, dressed in Dr. Denton-like footie pajamas of primary colors, puppet faces but real human bodies clearly inside these costumes that were the size of children. And eerie galactic voices that were babyish yet mature cooing 'Lala' in a lilting sing-songy way, and 'Uh-oh,' in a giddy manner.



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Rod Blagojevich will join the cast of I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! when it bows in June on NBC, the network announced Tuesday. The show, which is based on the UK format of the same name and previously ran for one season on ABC in 2003, ...
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