Friday, January 23, 2009

Meet Designer Alakazai

Designer Alakazai has dressed the best -- including Jackie O., Victoria Beckham, and current clients Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Halle Berry! Meet the designer who’s bringing his collection to you!


Access' Tony Potts is at the Sundance Film Festival where he interviewed stars of "Twilight" and "Gossip Girl" and he got the latest scoop on both.


She’ll make Armisen happy


Another week on the Celeb Shock Exchange... Face it: celebrity is currency now. But not all stars stay valuable for very long, and some never even rise high enough to blip our radar. Each week, we&aposll bring you the stars that are rising, falling, and those who just need to be de-listed all together. HOT CELEB STOCK Anna Wintour. She&aposs being remarkably human - wearing jeans, saying nice things about other people - the recession is clearly doing good things to the infamous witch. Or maybe this is just a campaign to keep her job. Either way, we like the uptick in the sweetness, Anna W! FALLING IN VALUE Kate Winslet. Yes, we love her. She is a delightful actress, beautiful as hell, but the awards mania compounded by her sheer happiness with the world is a little nauseating. Coming out and saying that you can&apost tell Leo from your husband just made it all the worse, Kate. We hope you win your Oscar and then take a much needed holiday (or make more movies). Jeff adds that he saw her on Inside the Actors Studio and (direct quote) "She makes me SICK." DE-LIST THIS JERK Patrick Swayze. Don&apost get me wrong, I would like this man to be healthy. Hell, I would love for him to come back strong and do a Roadhouse remake directed by John Woo, featuring at least four hours of explosions and a scene where he fights three alligators while riding on a bigger alligator, but for the love of jeebus, I cannot take one more commercial for The Beast. The Beast is an awful show. It is awful and he is everywhere, all up in your grill, trying to convince you otherwise. Please go away, Patrick Swayze. Go recover, make me another Roadhouse, and then we can be friends. Until you give up all illusions that you&aposre some kind of jenky, inspirational author, goodbye to you!


by Mike Krumboltz Barack Obama's inauguration was the biggest story of the week, but we aren't going to recap the festivities in our Buzz Week in Review. Why? In the midst of all the hubbub surrounding the new president, other news slipped through the cracks. And after all, aren't stories about dissed starlets and whiny athletes just as important as those about the new leader of the free world? We sure think so. So read on for the straight scoop on the week that was (not counting you-know-who). Heigl's not so hot Does Katherine Heigl long for the days of 2008? Back then, the leggy blonde and star of "Grey's Anatomy" was voted the world's most desirable female by the alpha males of 2009 tells a different story. Ms. Heigl tumbled in the rankings, all the way down to number 81. The freefall in hotness lit up the Buzz, inspiring a slew of votes on this recap from OMG. Meanwhile, searches on Ms. Heigl did the opposite of her AskMen ranking, surging over 500%. As for why she fell 80 places in the hearts of AskMen, we're not sure. Perhaps it had something to do with the critically (and deservedly) lambasted "27 Dresses." A very sore winner The Arizona Cardinals are going to the Super Bowl. You'd think that would excite all the team's players. It almost did, except for a guy named Anquan Boldin (aka "the whiniest Cardinal"). In the wake of the team's victory over their avian rivals from Philly, Mr. Boldin stormed off the field like a kid denied his third bowl of Cocoa Puffs. The reason for the tantrum? According to this very popular blog from Yahoo! Sports, Boldin felt he wasn't thrown enough balls during the game. Here's hoping he gets some love during the Super Bowl. If the Cardinals win without his help, he's really gonna be steamed. A car you can fly and buy We've been jonesing for a flying car ever since we saw "Back to the Future 2." Now, at last, our patience has paid off. Granted, it's not as cool as a DeLorean, but at least the "aptly named Transition" is the real deal. According to Discovery, a Boston company "plans to begin flight tests this year of a two-seater airplane that moonlights as a car." You can even fly up to 500 miles on a regular tank of gas. The vehicle costs close to $200K, but nobody said looking like Marty McFly was going to be cheap. Also buzzing this week... • Hey, you. Yes, you. Sarah Palin wants you to stop talking about her kids. The Alaska governor lashed out at news organizations and bloggers for exploiting her wee'uns. Some think she may be positioning herself for a presidential run in 2012. Vote for her—just don't make eye contact with her. • Caroline Kennedy withdrew her name from consideration for Hillary Clinton's vacant Senate seat. The empty spot in the world's most exclusive club went to the little-known Kirsten Gillibrand, causing "confusion and dissent." That's our Senate!


Every once in a while, when the time is right and you’re with someone you love, they say those four little words that everyone wants to hear and a ring is involved. Sometimes those words are "Will you marry me?" But sometimes to get to that point, there are four little words spoken that are considerably less romantic: "Please sign these papers." In this case, it appears that Jennifer Aniston has decided there is no romance without finance and is asking boyfriend John Mayer to sign a prenup before the duo consider getting married. The star wants to protect her $150 million dollar fortune and it appears that Mayer is balking at the idea. The National Enquirer is reporting that Jennifer is on a bit of a career high and although she cares for her rocker beau, she wants to protect her assets. Mayer reportedly has wounded pride over the issue and it’s causing some drama in their relationship. Evidently the couple was planning on getting engaged and having a star-studded wedding later this year and this might be a bit of a deal breaker to planning the nuptials.  Truthfully, the only people who really know what is happening in this relationship are Jennifer and John but seriously, $150 million dollars gives you plenty of reasons to draw up some paperwork. Her body may be a Wonderland, John, but evidently dealing with her attorneys is not. Scoop courtesy of Celebitchy. Photo courtesy of ... read more
