Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obituaries in the news - Modesto Bee

Obituaries in the news - Modesto Bee
LONDON (AP) - Tony Hart, a British television presenter who charmed generations of children with his artsy antics, died Sunday. He was 83. No cause of death was given but Hart's health had been in decline following two strokes several years ago, Hart

Teen goalie designs pads to trick shots - Boston Globe
SOUTH HAMILTON - While daydreaming in his high school chemistry class, hockey goaltender Trevor Leahy began to think about the opposing forwards who buzz around him when Pingree School hits the ice. What are they looking for, he asked himself. Open

Most Emailed News - Yahoo News
WASHINGTON - Barack Obama opened his presidency by breaking sharply from George W. Bush's unpopular administration, but he mostly avoided divisive partisan and ideological stands. He focused instead on fixing the economy, repairing a battered world

Obama breaks from Bush, avoids divisive stands - Waterloo Cedar-Falls Courier
WASHINGTON - Barack Obama opened his presidency by breaking sharply from George W. Bush's unpopular administration, but he mostly avoided divisive partisan and ideological stands. He focused instead on fixing the economy, repairing a battered world

With economy, no campaign, TV news eyes challenges - Modesto Bee
The inauguration of Barack Obama is a reminder of how the story that dominated airwaves during 2008 is over, leaving television news organizations to contemplate life without it in the midst of a brutal economy. The campaign gave TV news heaps of

A Marine pilot's long journey home - Boston Globe
CHARLESTON, S.C. - The rain fell steadily from an opaque sky, but the Marines stood ramrod straight, eyes fixed ahead. In the historic graveyard, the Rev. Peter Lanzillotta gazed down at the urn. "You served your country with a full measure of your

Dear Dr. King There's good news and bad news - Pioneer Press
Last year, more so than in recent years, social and political commentators, news reporters and politicians invoked your name, quoted excerpts from your speeches and remembered the dream you talked about 45 years ago. All of the work you did to ensure