Sunday, February 22, 2009

Analysis: Clinton charm, candor scores in Asia - Danbury News-Times

BEIJING—U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton charged through Asia determined to remake America's image abroad, raising eyebrows and a few hackles with charm and candor as she spread the Obama administration's message that change has come read

GRAY, Maine - The National Weather Service says winter weather advisories remain in effect for southeast New Hampshire and the southwest coast of Maine this afternoon and tonight. Winter storm warnings remain in effect for the remainder of New read

WHITEFIELD, N.H. - A Massachusetts man is recovering from a snowmobile crash and 25-foot fall in Whitefield, N.H. Authorities say the 51-year-old Framingham man was on a trail that runs along railroad tracks Saturday afternoon when one of his read

But it floods frequently. Standing water seeps into the pavement and erodes it on a microscopic scale that has grown into deep cracks and softball-sized chunks of broken-out asphalt. North Oak Park Drive is among the worst paved roads in Wichita read

Ten years ago, Fariah Said would have earned the wrath of her community. Then, Aids was not discussed among Muslim women. When it cropped up the tones were hushed. "Infection was considered a result of adultery and women who got the virus were read

Democratic President Barack Obama's Tuesday night address to Congress and the nation will be followed by Gov. Bobby Jindal's Republican address, viewed by some as a rebuttal, by others as a philosophical dissection. Both are highly educated read