Sunday, February 15, 2009

Even Italy Knows What's Wrong With Our Stimulus

Everyone knows what the problem with the economy is. We have too much debt, and too little savings, and we need to go through a long period of deleveraging. Of course, the goal in Washington is to preserve the status quo, and all stimulus ideas are judged on whether they'll make consumers spend. The message that this doesn't make sense is even coming from our friends across the pond. NYT reports that Tim Geithner got a cool reception at the G-7 summit, days after unveiling (kinda) his banking plan: Last week Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s finance minister and Mr. Geithner’s host for the weekend, gave a tart review of the Obama administration’s stimulus in a local newspaper here. “If the problem is an excess of debt, the cure is not adding more debt, whether that debt is public or private,” he wrote in the Corriere della Sera. Italy is one of the most indebted countries in Europe. Its debt surpasses itsannual gross domestic product. So obvious, yet seemingly unthinkable in the halls of Washington.   See Also: Yes, We ARE Drowning In Debt


EVERYTHING you've ever wanted to know about Tokyo trans vestites but were afraid to ask is found in "Funeral Parade of Roses" (1969). And don't be surprised if you have trouble telling the girls from the boys who want to be girls. The...


Dan Akroyd returned to Saturday Night Live last night to guest star in the show's opening skit, which pokes fun at Republicans for being the party of opposition and literally nothing else. They argue over whether Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh are smarter and decide the best line of attack is against the Obama kids. Also on the show, Alec Baldwin hosted, the Jonas Brothers were the musical guest, and Cameron Diaz made a surprise guest appearance. See those skits here. Watch the show opening: Read more: Snl Mocks Republican Opposition, Saturday Night Live, Snl Mock Gop Opposition, Snl Video, Saturday Night Live Dan Akroyd, Saturday Night Live Video, Video, Dan Akroyd, Snl Dan Akroyd, Saturday Night Live Republicans, Gop, Snl, Republicans, Politics News


Miss any of the hot celebrity stories from last week? Get caught up with the Week In Photos.


ATLANTIC CITY - This place has been playing the odds for more than 30 years, so here are some to consider:


Reuters - Chris Brown's father says the R & B star is remorseful following his arrest on suspicion of attacking a woman widely believed to be pop star Rihanna, People magazine reported on its Web site on Friday.


E! Online - M.I.A. capped her preggo Grammy show by popping out a boy. We can't wait to see how she'll top that come Oscar time.


Jay-Z struck a serious note Saturday when asked for his words of support for Rihanna. "This is a real situation," he said in Phoenix at the Sprite Green presents the Third Annual Two Kings dinner with Jay-Z and Lebron James, as part of the NBA All-Star Weekend. "You have to have compassion for others. Just imagine it being your sister or mom and then think about how we should talk about that," the hip-hop mogul, 39, continued.
