Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is Heidi a Hostage?!?

The Big Apple is in a frenzy about today’s New York Post cover! Klum Kidnapped?!?! Supermodels Heidi Klum and Coco Rocha and fashion film director Douglas Keeve (of Unzipped and Seamless) have teamed up in a new web video series called “Spiked Heel”, premiering on It is a comic book-inspired video series of 4 webisodes [...]


Halle Berry has signed up for a role in Who Is Doris Payne?, a film based on the life of an international jewel thief whose career spanned five decades.  The film is penned by Eunetta Boone and co-produced by Justin Berfield, best known as Reese on the defunct Fox sitcom Malcolm in the Middle. Berry, who won an Academy Award in the 2001 film Monster’s Ball, last starred in the drama Things We Lost in the Fire, which hit theaters two years ago. -Henrik Batallones, BuddyTV Staff Columnist Source: Variety (Image courtesy of People Magazine)


We'd been wondering how the evil makers of American Idol would find a way for Tatiana Del Toro — by every measure the most irritating contestant in the history of competitive reality television — to remain on the show after viewers were granted the ability to vote her off. In just a few short weeks, she's quickly become the most loathed Idol hopeful ever, so it'd be a shame for producers to have to waste her tearful and hilarious elimination in one of the early rounds. And now it looks like they might not have to! This week, 12 of the remaining 36 challengers sang for three spots in the top 12 (over the next three weeks, Idol fans will pick nine finalists, and three more will be added as wild cards). Competing against Tatiana last night were three train wrecks, seven boring contestants (most of whom have barely been seen on TV), and one actually great singer with an unassailable sob story (Danny g***ey, whose wife passed away four weeks before his original audition, which basically makes him unbeatable). Tatiana's version of "Saving All My Love For You" (see it below) wasn't exactly one of the episode's high points, but it certainly wasn't one of the low points — she hit most of the notes, the judges begrudgingly admitted. And the only better performances came from Danny (who did Mariah Carey's "Hero") and two faceless holograms whom we forgot existed before they even finished their songs (Alexis Grace and Anoop Desai, in case you were wondering). Additionally, the producers let her sing second-to-last, thus ensuring that viewers somehow not inclined to hate her (plus everybody at Vote for the Worst) would remember to vote for her. Simon, probably fearing Tatiana's possible survival ("Surprisingly, it wasn't bad at all ... It was better than I expected"), even asked her to "do the weird laughing," but she smartly refused. So, barring any major surprises, Tatiana will probably make the top twelve, if only because producers engineered the whole thing by holding back all the better, more charismatic talent until next week and the week after. Man, we hope we're wrong about this. Here's her performance from last night: Read more posts by Lane Brown Filed Under: american idol, earsores, fox, tatiana del toro, tv


Usher's wife, Tameka Foster, was released from a Sao Paulo hospital after recovering from a heart attack suffered shortly before undergoing plastic surgery, the Associated Press reports. A spokeswoman for the Sirio-Libanes Hospital said Wednesday that Foster, 37, left the facility Monday night but declined to provide any details on Foster's treatment. See the day's top news stories. Ellen...


by Claudine Zap Here is your daily buzz. Bristol Palin (+8,112%). Thanks to mom Sarah making a vice presidential run, daughter Bristol has become the poster child for teen pregnancy. The teen mom caught buzz when she spoke out against teen pregnancy on Fox news, saying that even though her mom's view on abstinence was "not realistic," she wished she'd waited to have kids. Stanford Group (+1,806%). Is Robert Stanford the next Bernard Madoff? Searches spiked on the fraudster, um, financier's investment firm on news that regulators had shut it down due to an unaccounted $8 billion of investor funds. (+1,173%). If you like keeping tabs on the government, this one's for you: The website tracks every penny of the economic stimulus plan. Mark Zuckerberg (+294%). The Facebook CEO backtracked on changes to its terms of service after a chorus of social networker complaints. Digital TV transition (+139%). Even though the deadline to transition from analog to digital signals was extended to June 12, many TV stations around the country stuck with the original plan, and switched over. If you still have a TV without cable (we sympathize, we really do), then you will need a converter box to view digital programming. Go here for more information.


Victoria Beckham, Sarah Jessica Parker, and even Madonna have all rocked Alexander McQueen's edgy, English look on the runway. Now YOU can rock it in the drop-off lane.