Thursday, February 12, 2009

Salma Hayek's Boobs Save the World!

Salma Hayek's Boobs Save the World!

Bodacious breastfeeder Salma Hayek is not only beautiful, but amazingly benevolent. In Sierra Leone recently to support a tetanus vaccination project, she offered up her ample bosom to nourish an infant in need. Famous for her outsized décolletage, Hayek has made major news with this teat feat...

Twilight Director Speaks Out About New Moon

This doesn't seem like a great career move... Catherine Hardwicke, the director of smash-hit Twilight, is speaking out about the huge payday she turned down when she turned her back on the series's follow-up flick, New Moon. So why would she turn down a sure-fire retirement plan of a paycheck? It turns out she cares about quality and stuff. The revelations that she didn't think she could deliver as good a second film as the first under the massive budget and time constraints are coming by way of promotions for her upcoming book, Twilight: A Director's Notebook. Lamenting the huge paycheck she's missing out on, she also reflects on what she's really missing out on: "I was devastated. I really did feel a strong connection to the people around the world that liked the movie - and to Stephenie and the actors. But I just didn't think I could make a good movie under those circumstances." Her book, which chronicles her experience directing the film, is being released on March 20 - just one day before the Twilight DVDs hit stores. We're sure she'll bounce back from having to see Robert Pattinson every day, but she'd better hope that enough teenage girls buy into the whole book idea if she's not planning on making any more movies on tight budgets and constrained schedules. It's not as if she comes from an independent film background or anything...

Jolie's refugee comment stirs debate in Thailand (AP)

AP - Thailand's government may still be miffed at Angelina Jolie for speaking out on behalf of impoverished boat people, but the actress has prompted soul-searching among some in the Southeast Asian country.

Joanna Pacitti Booted from American Idol!

Final Judgment for Joanna Pacitti. This just in: Season Eight contestant Joanna Pacitti has been disqualified from the competition. Last night, we saw a tearful Joanna make it through to the Top 36, but word comes this morning that Joanna has been asked to leave the competition. American Idol issued a statement saying that Joanna is ineligible to continue, but did not say why. Pacitti has generated controversy because of her previous record deal and her close relationship with Idol producers. Many said her professional experience and personal connections gave her an unfair - and inappropriate - advantage in the "amateur" competition. Joanna will be replaced with 26-year-old Felicia Barton. Don't know who that is, but OK. Honestly, if someone was going to get booted and an alternate called up to the show, I would have like to have seen Jamar Rogers get through. I was somewhat shocked to see Jamar get the boot, if for no other reason that the schmaltz factor between he and BFF, Danny g***ey, was a potential ratings juggernaut. Jamar's dismissal was perhaps the only surprise of last night's two-hour episode. If you've been watching the show thus far, you had a pretty good idea of who was going to make it into the Top 36; it's the guys and gals the camera has panned to over and over again. This selective editing diminished the suspense of the sing-offs, rendering them just plain awkward. Things were more than awkward when Simon tried to lobby for the pretty married gal who couldn't sing over the fashion-challenged Kristen McNamara who could sing. Way to call someone ugly on national television, Simon. Truly inspiring to the millions of tween girls who tune in faithfully every week. The producers seemed to make up for this bit of nastiness by letting both the Welder and the Roughneck through, which would have been heartwarming if we hadn't seen it coming from a mile away. As usual, the judges made the early favorites sweat, trying to make us think that Lil Rounds, Adam Lambert, and Anoop Desai weren't going to make it into the Top 36 - they, of course, did. As did resident psycho Tatiana Del Toro, who really should have worn full-butt underwear with that dress. Here's the rundown of all the Season Eight semifinalist action: American Idol: Meet Your Top 36! [buzzsugar] Idol Judges Pick Season 8’s Top 36. [people] Hollywood Round #4: It's all very Vanity Fair-meets-Dallas. [tvsquad] American Idol Kicked Off Pacitti. [wwtdd] Idol Shakeup: Felicia Barton Replaces Joanna Pacitti in Top 36. [people] Meet Joanna Pacitti's replacement, Felicia Barton. [ew]

What Was Behind The Chris Brown And Rihanna Incident?

Did Chris Brown receive a sexually explicit message from a woman he'd been secretly seeing?