Monday, February 16, 2009

Gonzo: Out of its misery: The NBA All-Star game -

Some sad, breaking news to report. During a weekend-long celebration designed to mark its birthday, the NBA All-Star Game passed away in Phoenix, Ariz. Late last night, the NAG, as it was affectionately known to close friends and relatives - was continue

Feb 16th, 2009 | WASHINGTON -- Former President Bill Clinton says he thinks the country will surmount the current economic crisis, but sees the threat of terrorism as a longer-term problem. Clinton also is giving President Barack Obama high marks for continue

Feb 16th, 2009 | STOCKHOLM -- Four men who work at The Pirate Bay file-sharing Web site are on trial in Stockholm -- but they say they haven't done anything wrong. The four are charged with accessory to breaking copyright law by helping millions of continue

Journalism has always been about brevity. Good journalists boil down facts and ideas into simple concepts and present them concisely (and quickly). Editors, meanwhile, routinely help them by removing unnecessary words. Here's an example: "The quick continue

Most critical to Couric’s clash with her new colleagues was the nearly insurmountable issue of money. The news division at CBS had been whittled down financially over the years, something Rather often complained about when he was the Evening News continue

Text size: small | medium | large NBC 10 News Published: February 16, 2009 PROVIDENCE—The touch economy is forcing a number of Stay-Cations this week. But as NBC 10’s Michelle Brown reports, there are a number of inexpensive local attractions continue