Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why Men See Women As Objects - Virgin Territory

Monkey see, monkey do. Has a man ever made you feel like a tool? How about measuring tape, or perhaps a Milwaukee 6509-22 Sawzall with 11 Amp Reciprocating Saw? Well, you may be on to something because, according to a recent study, men are more likely to view women as objects after they've looked at pictures of bikinied babes beforehand. In the study, men's brains were monitored as they were given pictures of women in revealing clothing. Apparently, the part of the brain that lighted up was the one associated with using tools like screwdrivers and hammers. Even worse, in some of the men the part of the brain that registers empathy for other people's emotions turned off. Researchers say this information confirms the fact that more and more men are seeing women merely as objects, and that such sexualized images of women contribute to the problem. I see the point they're making, and objectification is a serious problem, but sexual desire seems a little more complicated than just an urge to use tools. In other words, nudey pics rarely make me want to build a tree house. Likewise, unless you're Bob Villa or something, thinking of ladders and spackle doesn't get very many dudes off. Unless you're into that sort of thing.


Who let the dogs out? The Los Angeles Police Department shows off a pair of bomb-sniffing dogs along with some high-tech gear being used to keep security tight at this year's award show.


She might be one of the music industry's hottest young singers, but Taylor Swift was more surprised than anyone to see herself in the spotlight. Swift, 19, captured her reaction to seeing her very first Rolling Stone cover. Watch Taylor Swift's reaction! After receiving a package from the magazine -- complete with a Flip camera to record the big reveal -- she busted through to bubble wrap...


Just hours after we told you that Universal Music's Australia division was responsible for the leak of U2's new album comes word of another accidental leak from a company in the business of making money off of recorded music. On Friday, iTunes Norway mistakenly began allowing users to purchase Kelly Clarkson's upcoming album, All I Ever Wanted, instead of just letting them listen to 30-second snippets of songs. Now, naturally, the songs are all over P2P sites. Fortunately for Kelly, the leak probably won't hurt her sales, nor will U2's leak hurt theirs, but unlike No Line on the Horizon, Kelly's album, set for a March 10 release, is already selling well. Her first single, "My Life Would Suck Without You," has been at the top of the most-downloaded singles charts for weeks, even if it was recently pushed off its No. 1 perch by 50 Cent, Eminem, Dr. Dre and Flo Rida. The album, meanwhile, is at No. 8 on iTunes, with the "bonus track" version at No. 26. But iTunes and UMG should both be embarrassed about what happened this week. For iTunes this isn't the first time they've accidentally leaked an album. Rolling Stone's Rock Daily notes that back in March 2008, iTunes made The Raconteurs' Consolers of the Lonely available online before it hit stores. We understand that accidents happen, but if UMG and iTunes want to keep insisting that they're serious about not wanting people to steal music, we recommend they check out their software to make sure glitches like this don't keep happening. As many have noted, these early leaks do generate interest, which usually leads fans to actually shell out money for the CDs. All of the news about U2's leak served as a nice bit of free publicity, or maybe it was the fact that the album's been streaming on MySpace, but, regardless, No Line on the Horizon is now at No. 38 on iTunes' album chart. See Also: New U2 Album Accidentally Leaked By Band's Record Label Kelly Clarkson's New Single Makes Record-Breaking Jump To Number One Band Leaks Tracks To BitTorrent, Feigns Outrage


Well, according to me he is. In case you were unaware, the Oscars are tomorrow. Yes, really. So who's everyone taking? Well, Brangelina are going en-masse, that goes without saying. And we already know John Mayer is Jen Aniston's plus one. But who else? Will Penelope Cruz take Javier Bardem (are they still dating? Were they ever dating?)? We'll see. Because everyone is so boring and predictable, I picked some people I think should be coupled. Enjoy. Mickey Rourke and Courtney Love: He calls her a gorilla, she gets an invite to the Oscars. Jennifer Aniston and That Dog: Because it's funny. John Mayer and Madea: She's pretty famous, therefore fitting John's criteria. Angelina Jolie and Shiloh: More Shiloh, please! Anne Hathaway and Raffaello Follieri: I'm back, biatches! Viola Davis and Oprah: That way, if Viola wins, Oprah can go onstage and co-accept the award. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio: We already know how much they love each other. Miley Cyrus and Bolt: You know they'll just be talking smack about WALL-E the whole time. Sean Penn and James Franco: They were a great couple. Christian Bale and Chris Brown: For obvious reasons. Yes, I went there.


Chris Brown will have a difficult time salvaging his music career after allegedly attacking girlfriend Rihanna in L.A. two weeks ago, one venue hasn't closed its doors to him. Saturday Night Live might still consider having the 19-year-old singer perform in the future, according to series regular Kenan Thompson. "It's not up to me, but I'm sure we would if he had another hit single," Thompson...


While the likes of Brad, Angelina, Kate and Mickey party-hopped through awards season, racking up accolades and air kisses on the road to Sunday's Academy Awards, Hugh Jackman's pre-Oscar dance card hasn't been quite as glam. Tapped to be the show's 81st host and the second Aussie to do the honors (who can forget Paul Hogan's turn as co-host in 1987), Jackman has been hunkered down brainstorming material with a team of comedy writers and cramming back-to-back song and dance rehearsals. "It's been hilarious," says the 40-year-old actor, who just last month wrapped X-Men Origins: Wolverine. "I don't know if the other billion people who watch it will find it funny but I'm finding it hysterical right now. I'm having the time of my life."


For Bar Refaeli, landing the cover of 2009's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue was a dream come true. The 23-year-old felt ready to flaunt it...
