Monday, February 16, 2009

Trump Entertainment may file bankruptcy: report (Reuters)

Reuters - Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc, Donald Trump's casino group, is expected to file Tuesday for bankruptcy, The Wall Street Journal reported.


Each new season of 'American Idol' threatens to obliterate the momentary triumphs of last year's contestants. But Season 7 hard ...


Lindsay taking a chance on Chace? It&aposs been a busy couple of days for Lindsay Lohan. She&aposs been seen out and about looking pin-thin, and rumors are swirling that her tumultuous relationship with girlfriend, Sam Ronson, is escalating towards a breakup. So what&aposs the latest on the ongoing saga of the many loves of actress-turned-celeb rehabber, La Lohan? It ain&apost pretty. TMZ is reporting that Lohan was seen party-hopping this weekend while ladylove Ronson was recuperating from an ear infection. But that&aposs not the scandal. No, the dirt is that she was also seen paying a 6am visit to her obsessive crush, Gossip Girl star, Chace Crawford. While she told the camera crew following her every move that nothing was going on because "Chace has a girlfriend," somehow we don&apost think it&aposs normal for friends of the opposite sex to roll up to each other&aposs cribs in the wee hours. Add to this to the fact that Lohan went public late last year with her massive crush on Crawford, and you&aposve got a recipe for disaster. A source told OK that: "She has a habit of over texting people, especially when she&aposs attracted to them which is what happened with Chace. She&aposd have insomnia and he&aposd wake up to 5 or 6 text messages asking what he was up to. She has a habit of getting bored in the middle of the night and likes to flirt and get attention in order to keep her busy. Chace never acted on some of the things she suggested like meeting up, it was a little stalker like and creepy to be honest. He was just trying to be friendly!" Hmm. We recommend Lindsay play a little harder to get. No one likes a lady who harasses them via text and has a history of calling out their significant other like their momma would.


Previously on The Bachelor, Jason Mesnick got shirtless as often as he could, and narrowed the field of potential wives from 25 down to just four. After visiting the final four women in their hometowns, he kicked Naomi Crespo to the curb. There are only three women left. Tonight, everyone takes a dream vacation to New Zealand. The episode opens in Seattle, at Jason's pretend houseboat. He says in an interview that he doesn't know yet which of the three is his choice. He also says that it's incredibly difficult to say good-bye to his son Ty again, and yet, here he is, leaving his boy for a quick jaunt to the other end of the world.


The singer seeks counseling in the midst of the Rihanna incident fallout.
