Friday, February 27, 2009

Ed McMahon hospitalized in Los Angeles (AP)

Ed McMahon hospitalized in Los Angeles (AP)

AP - Ed McMahon, former sidekick to Johnny Carson on "Tonight" and a familiar TV commercial pitchman, was hospitalized in intensive care, a spokesman said Friday.

Evangeline Lilly About To Die A Horrible Lost Death?

Evangeline Lilly plays a big part on Lost, specifically the part of the pretty girl who can't convey emotion too well. But no actor is safe on Lost. Just look at what the show did to Charlie. Or Mr Eko. Or that moany bloke who blew himself up with dynamite. Any Lost character can bite it at any point - and recently there's been speculation about Evangeline Lilly getting the chop soon. But relax, because Evangeline Lilly's rep has denied everything, hinting that she'll stay on Lost until the last episode, when the smoke monster will kill her. Oh, spoiler alert.

Octo-Mom Didn't Accept "House" Offer

Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman has decided NOT to accept an offer by a non-profit charity group called Angels In Waiting to provide her with a temporary new home for six months, has exclusively learned. "Angels" had also offered to provide around the clock individualized care by pediatric nurses and other...MORE >

Cooking With Clara

by Mike Krumboltz The world is full of cooking experts, but there's only one Clara Cannucciari. The 93-year-old chef has become a Web sensation thanks to her Web series, "Depression Cooking With Clara." Ms. Cannucciari was recently profiled on "Good Morning America," and searches on the suddenly famous foodie rose like soufflé on steroids. Folks want to know more about her, as well as where they can see the chef strut her stuff. Lookups on "clara cannucciari videos" are through the roof, and related queries on "clara cannucciari biography" are also on the rise. According to the interview with "GMA," Ms. Cannucciari learned her style of cooking from her mother during the Great Depression. Her mother was an expert at making tasty and healthy meals for not much money, and that's the kind of knowledge Ms. Cannucciari imparts to her audience. These days, such tips especially come in handy. For those looking to stretch their budget she recommends pasta, and lots of it. The cooking sensation is currently working on a DVD that compiles all her videos with some help from her grandson. In the meantime, you can check out her delightful recipe for pasta and peas. As Clara puts it, "It's a very simple dish, but it's very tasty and good for you." Bon appétit!

Kanye West Tells Everyone to Give Chris Brown a Break

Kanye likes beef. Do you ever find yourself really disliking someone and not quite knowing why? As if they have some genetic trait that just makes them totally repulsive, but you can't put your finger on it? Well, Kanye West is not one of those people. We know exactly why we don't like him. Believe it or not, there are two parts to his latest pseudo-squabble. King Kanye has taken on both Radiohead and people who think Chris Brown did something wrong when he tried to cave Rihanna's face in. Still, none of it will air. Kanye vs. Radiohead At a taping of VH1's Storytellers, Kanye addressed an incident at the Grammys where Thom Yorke, singer for Radiohead, apparently snubbed him backstage. This really irked West, who had previously claimed to idolize the band. "So when he performed at the Grammys," said Kanye "I sat the f--- down." Storytellers is the kind of show that encourages its stars to go on rants, so I can only imagine the tingles producers got when Kanye agreed to perform. He's like an ever-flowing well of controversy, beefs and sayings, filled to the brim with egomania. Kanye vs. Sanity Later on in the same interview Kanye asked the audience, "Can't we give Chris a break? ... I know I make mistakes in life." He's apparently talking about Chris Brown, who's been having a hard time lately living with the fact that he just tried to kill R&B singer Rihanna. Yes, because the only thing the world loves more than a man who beats women is a man who defends a man who beats women. If you thought Kanye had taken a leap in defending Chris Brown, take a gander at the next embattled lady battler he's taken under his wing: "O.J. Simpson, amazing. Is he not? What he did, when he did, what he did. Was he not amazing though?" Even though this all sounds like a ratings bonanza, VH1 decided to cut the material because Kanye's tirades dragged on. Show producer Bill Flanagan was the one responsible for leaving these choice cuts on the editing room floor, saying, "a lot of Kanye's stories went long. I tried to get to the essence of his comments." I think you've succeeded, laddie Flanagan. His essence smells, and it smells bad.

Jennifer Hudson: Performing Is "Like Therapy"

Jennifer Hudson says it's good to be singing again. The 27-year-old singer - whose mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew were murdered last October - popped by The Oprah Winfrey Show on Friday and said performing is "like therapy." Although she did not make a direct reference to the slayings, Hudson (who recently sang at the Super Bowl) told Winfrey: "I'm good. I'm really good. Glad to be back...