Friday, February 20, 2009

TMZ posts photo it claims is a beaten Rihanna (AP)

TMZ posts photo it claims is a beaten Rihanna (AP)

AP - A photo that appears to be Rihanna's face with bruises, scratches and swelling from an attack allegedly at the hands of boyfriend Chris Brown was posted Thursday night by the celebrity Web site TMZ.

D.A. Investigating Chris Brown for Attempted Murder

Things go from bad to way worse for Chris... News is leaking out that the L.A. Prosecutor&aposs office is investigating various felonies against Chris Brown as a result of his admitted attack on pop singer girlfriend, Rihanna on February 8th. The charges range from domestic violence, assault resulting in great bodily injury, and attempted murder. Yes, you read that last one correctly: attempted murder. Based on Rihanna&aposs allegation that Brown put his hands around her neck and said "I&aposm going to kill you!" the charge could be a very real possibility. A source connected with the LAPD is saying that making any of the more serious charges - like, say, attempted murder - would be difficult in a case where the only witness to the event is Rihanna herself. Given that L.A. has a fairly lengthy history of looking the other way when celebs endanger themselves and others, and family member&aposs claims that Rihanna may be mulling over a reconcilliation with Brown, chances are that this latest twist in the abuse case may be just more smoke and hyperbole. Oh, and TMZ posted a completely upsetting picture of poor Rihanna not long after the attack. View at your own risk.

Feds find 'Wrestler' dealer's big stash

The actor who plays a steroid dealer in the Oscar-nominated movie "The Wrestler" had a real-life stash: 1,500 bottles of anabolic steroids and more than $100,000 in cash were found in two homes, feds said Thursday.

La Brea Tar Pits Reveal Treasure Trove of Ancient Bones

It&aposs a bone-a-ganza! L.A. is atwitter (not Twitter, atwitter) with the news that researchers from the Page Museum have uncovered (quite literally) a treasure trove of new skulls, bones, and other specimens during the excavation of a parking garage near the famed La Brea Tar Pits. What was the haul? In the 23 crates of mud, clay, and tar handed over after the construction of the garage, researchers are most excited the discovery of the museum&aposs first intact mammoth skeleton. The mammoth has been named Zed by the team, and is believed to have been about 40 when it died. Causes of Zed&aposs death are unknown, but we&aposre thinking it has something to do with it being found in a massive pit of tar. Call us Dr. Wizard.

Octuplet Momma Wants to Buy a Million Dollar House?!

Someone give this lady a book deal already and maybe she&aposll go far, far away! In news of the "ugh,": Octuplet-spewing mom, Nadya Suleman, has been a confirmed by a "source" at real estate company, Century 21, as an interested buyer for a $1.24 million house in Whittier, CA. Sigh. What is she doing, trying to kill the frothing masses by giving them all coronaries with this news? All the viewings of the house in question, which has 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms and a pool, had been canceled today by the real estate agent when Suleman expressed interest in a private viewing. Apparently, she brought in a camera crew from a major TV show - our sources say ET - for an interview on the grounds of the million dollar home. I thought that you needed a job to buy a house now? Or at least not have a $200,000+ eviction process hanging over your head? Have banks and real estate agents learned nothing from the slippery decline in home values and bubbled mortgages? Even Dubai isn&apost selling property like it&aposs going out of style anymore, so you know there&aposs trouble. Besides, with 14 kids and only 3 bedrooms (because you KNOW she&aposd keep one for herself), that&aposs practically like living like sardines. Just buy a few double-wides and knock down the walls, Nadya. Cheaper and you&aposll always be able to expand when the next litter is due.

Hayden Panettiere Might Have Been Preggers

Save the cheerleader... and her baby? Oh Hayden, you provide us endless amusement with your speculative carnival of a love life. First you were a barely-legal sprite, tickling us with the idea that you were in a relationship with a man over 10 years your senior. Then you mysteriously broke up with him, only to tease us with the idea you were dating a man over 30 years your senior. And now this? Let me preface this rumor by stating that if I did not see this on the Chicago Sun-Times website, I would not be reporting it. But there you have it. The paper is reporting that the cause of 19-year-old Panettiere&aposs split from 31-year-old Heroes co-star, Milo Ventimiglia, was a pregnancy scare. Apparently Hayden took the test, and despite a negative reading, the resulting tension about the possible bundle of joy broke the couple apart. Some wonder which was the more freaked out, but given that the rumor is about a pressure to marry based off an untested pregnancy scare, our money is that Ventimiglia is the one who bugged. It only makes sense that a dude over 30 would not hook up with a 19-year-old with baby and marriage in mind. Just sayin&apos...