Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stimulus pricetag drops to $790B -

WASHINGTON (AP) — Negotiators for Congress and the White House have tentatively settled on a $790 billion price tag on President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus bill and are working to narrow differences on individual elements of the bill read

Add a comment (4) EARLIER: Former Duluth mayor fired him, now Ness hires Winson back BUZZ Blog: The e-mails between Winson and Bergson Photo: Mark Winson Listen here to Mark Winson on "Talk of the Town" from 4-6 p.m. today Saying he needs someone to read

TOKYO (AP) — Sumo wrestlers with pot bellies, yes. Sumo wrestlers with pot? Now that's harder to grapple with. In the past six months, four wrestlers have been kicked out of the ancient sport for allegedly smoking marijuana, creating the biggest read

Amazon's new Kindle 2 is getting a lot of buzz now, but a Canadian bookseller is confident it can give smart phone users the same experience without the hefty price tag, PC World reports. Shortcovers is set to launch soon as an application for the read

ALBANY, N.Y. - New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo laid out further details Wednesday about $3.6 billion in bonuses Merrill Lynch & Co. executives received, calling the investment bank's executives irresponsible. Cuomo detailed the size and scope read

Craft -man, Top Chef judge, and now: a hard salesman. Tom Colicchio's been on the hunt for foodie-recessioneers in a far more high-profile way than many a New York restaurateur would (or could) pull off. First, he turned the Craft private dining room read

Indianapolis, IN. The American Basketball Association (ABA) today released its Power Rankings through Monday, February 9th - and the Southeast Texas Mustangs held on to the #1 position for the 7th straight week. They are followed very closely by the read