Monday, February 2, 2009

Ashton Kutcher Twitters on Phelps Controversy

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Ashton Kutcher's Twittering and video posting about a noisy neighbor landed him in hot water last week, but it hasn't stopped the actor from staying busy on the mirco-blogging Web site. Ashton was inspired to blog about Olympic great Michael Phelps' acknowledgment of a photo in a British newspaper, which showed the swimmer smoking marijuana.


Over at Boing Boing Offworld, Brandon has details on Guitar Hero for the NES! Guns N' Roses and Michael Jackson chiptunes? Indeed. 8-Bit Guitar Hero for the NES


Punxsutawney Phil made his annual prediction Monday on whether spring will come early or winter will hang on for another six weeks. See the result here.


Angelina Jolie was spoofed on Saturday Night Live over the weekend. During Weekend Update, Seth Meyers was chatting about the California woman who gave birth to octuplets when Jolie (played by newcomer Abby Elliott) walked on stage. "Does she want all of them?" she said. Replied Meyers, "Yeah... I mean, I think she does, yes." Elliot, as Jolie, then asked where SNL alum Amy Poehler...


Britney Spears may cancel her upcoming tour if Kevin Federline's attorneys block an agreement that would allow her kids to go on the road. Britney Spears may cancel her upcoming tour if Kevin Federline's attorneys block an agreement that would allow her kids to go on the road. K-Fed, Britney and her mother Lynne have reportedly been quietly creating a plan that would allow young Sean Preston and Jayden James to go on tour. The plan involves having homes in New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles where Britney could commute back and forth while doing concerts in each region. Apparently, this arrangement was made without the assistance of any lawyers. TMZ is reporting that K-Fed's lawyers are angry about the situation and are objecting to the new plan. It is still unknown what the lawyers plan to do. Britney currently has almost 50/50 custody and has worked out a long-term agreement with K-Fed. Read more hot stories Moms Are Talking About.


Nobody watches the Super Bowl for sport, so nobody knows if the Cardigans or the Teapots won yesterday. But they do watch the Super Bowl for one thing - boobies. Across the world yesterday, hundreds of millions of people tuned into to the Super Bowl to see who'd accidentally flop a knocker out during the halftime show. Sadly, all we got was Bruce Springsteen. Bruce Springsteen yesterday performed a Super Bowl halftime set that was as flat and lifeless as any in recent memory, and he's received lukewarm reviews for it at best. Plus, let's be honest, his tits are terrible.
